Go away flu. Go away sick. Go away puke and puke buckets, and pukey sheets, and pedilite stinky drink. Go away sleeplessness and worry and achiness. Go away wind and cold and and raw chills and shivers. Go away clouds and rain and SNOW. Go away too busy and over scheduled and I need your help and I'm sick too and me too and me too. I've HAD it.
I had a perfectly happy run going all winter long, I have no use for you now...the last week in March, the week before my fun girls weekend planned, the week my mom moved here. What the fuck? You've had all winter long to plague me like you did last year. I thought we made an agreement...you leave me alone and I'll no longer dwell on you.
I've got sun to shine to in, kids to play, hubby's to laugh with, friends to see, mom's to spend time with, non profits to interview for, jobs to fill, 4th birthday parties to plan, running to be ran...
You've said your peace and now I've said mine...scram.