I've spent the better part of the last 2 weeks running around god's creation trying to sell Lauri's art. I am starting to come to the conclusion that I may need to let this one go. I've tried a few times now and it really just reminds me of recruiting. I believe in his art, but I suppose since it's so subjective and the economy is still so tight, shops aren't buying. Or buying very little...or want to do consignment...none of which I am interested in. $4 split 50/50 isn't helping either. I am spending way more in time, energy and stress then $2 a sale:( Bums me out really because I thought maybe that was the ticket to freedom. I'm officially burnt out on trying to make everyone else rich and happy. I want to sell my own things. Everyday brings a new dream for me. Today it's herbs. I have a gift of a very strong sense of smell. My hubby makes fun of me about sometimes...he says I can smell a fart a mile away! Anyway, I digress as usual. I have had a rip of a headache all morning long. I hate drugs so I went to my garden and plucked some lemonbalm and made a drink...god is this an amazing herb!! It smells like fresh, clean, lemony-love! I could just crush it and smell it all day long. How wonderful would it be if I knew how to make herbal remedies for others. Soaps, candles, drinks/teas, smelly things to hang around the house.
I'm going to have to investigate this further....maybe this is it?