Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Desperate times call for desperate measures
So I just made a "girls night out" date with a mom from my kids school. This in of itself is no great feat I know. But it sort of is for me...you see this mom wears Micky Mouse Sweatshirts. I've always fancied myself to be a part of the "in" crowd. Keeping up with the Joneses was my national pastime/obsession. The Aquarius in me always marched to the beat of a different drum mind you, but I had no problem driving fancy cars, wearing fancy jeans and dining at fancy restaurants. All of this has changed for me since moving to Massachusetts. People just aren't as nice and inviting as the rest of us Southern folks. It's been 3 solid years here and I have only connected with one other person...but she moved and is now gone. I also maintain that my friendlessness is not from lack of effort. Sure, I'm busy, 2 kids, hubby, house, full time job, I don't have much time and if I do make time, I want to pee or something equally as pampering....but if someone wanted to be my friend, I would be sure to also fit that in to my day. Which brings me to my own mommy play date. This woman wants to be my friend. I can just tell. She's showed up to any event I've invited her to, sometimes the only person to show up in the case of my art show a few months ago, and the other night, in the middle of the early childhood education pot luck dinner she saw me and lit up like a Christmas tree. She gave me a big hug and said how much she missed seeing me around. (minor point I left out of the story is that our kids were in the same class last year and over the summer but have since been separated.) I have sort of been unconsciencly keeping her at arms length I think because I still battle my shallow demons. But it felt good to have someone seek me out, genuinely care about how I'm doing and where I've been, and sincerely express an interest in getting together and then following up on it. So universe, listen up...I'm no longer too cool for school...I want to be friends with good people who care about me and my family...Micky Mouse sweatshirts notwithstanding. Now, don't get me wrong, I will not be busting out any pumpkin and scarecrow printed turtlenecks to strut around town in...but I will no longer hold it against you if you do.